How To Fix A Water Flooded Engine?

The season of the typhoon is back again which is always very destructive for car owners. No matter what preparations you do for your car, some or other damage is always done to it. We can calculate the extent of damage flooded water can do to our car just by driving it. It doesn’t matter whether it is a small car or an SUV, both the cars are equally damaged due to the flood.

So, how will you protect your car? In this article, we are going to talk about how to fix a water flooded engine. Read our article till the end and share this article if you find it useful.

How To Fix A Water Flooded Engine?

A water-flooded engine can be very dangerous to drive so never start it. Because the water could have already entered the engine and mixed the oil with other fluids.

It can enter into your transmission, fuel tank, and other mechanical parts. Here are the things you can do to save your car engine when it is flooded. Below we have continued with the things to avoid the car flooded.

1. Never Attempt To Start The Vehicle

It’s a fact that water and other fluids can never work together, so starting it will lead to more water damage. You can easily get to know whether the engine is wet from inside by the air filter. If the air filter is soaked, there is a chance that water has reached inside. Don’t drive the car until it’s completely dry from inside as well as outside.

If your car is gone through water then first take it to the service center even if the car engine isn’t wet. Tow it to the mechanic and flush all the fluids present in the engine, transmission, differential, and fuel. With the help of debris lines, you can determine the level of a vehicle submerged in the water. And then, Start from the doors and the windows and putting towels on the floor to soak up water, basically replace everything that got wet including the carpet, door panels, floor mats. If you have car insurance then you need not worry about it. It will get covered in the car insurance itself.

2. Check The Electrical Wirings

Next, check everything electrical. Insert the key into the ignition then move through each electrical component one by one. The headlights, turn signals, air conditioning, stereo, power locks, interior lights. Disconnect the battery. Floodwater can accumulate in the computer box, till the ignition.

By attempting to turn the vehicle on, this water might short all these components, resulting in a very expensive bill. The car battery will be more prone to failure after it gets wet, so a replacement can be helpful now as well as later.

3. Calculate The Depth And The Damage

Before opening the vehicle, calculate the depth of the floodwater. So it will give you an idea of what part or organ is damaged exactly. For eg., if the water level hardly reached the door then the damage is not that bad. But if the car is submerged till the roof then that is something very serious. Getting the water out becomes the number one priority if this is the case.

You can use electric fans or a car heater and remove the moisture from the cabin. Open the doors and windows to ventilate the car naturally. Also, fix all the damp patches and fix them. If you have car insurance, it will be solved.

4. Claim Your Insurance

Comprehensive car insurance covers losses or damages caused by natural calamities, such as floods, cyclones, and hailstorms. there are two types of damages caused by floods, car engine damage, and accessories damage. Click as many pictures as you can of the interior and other damages. This will help you to claim your insurance easily. But it shouldn’t be a third-party liability.

Flood damage is covered by comprehensive insurance. Your insurance company will ask for the details and it is a very long process so if possible start it early.

How Can A Car Flooded Be Avoided?

Here is how you can prevent your car from getting flooded with rainwater. Try as much as you can to protect your car.

  • Using google maps, make a list of the areas where there is rainwater collected. You wouldn’t want to get stuck in horrible traffic as the rain pours heavily.
  • Keep a flood cover in your car always. Drive your car under the cover and wrap your car with a rope and heavy-duty tape.
  • Never drive through the puddles. If you force your car into a deep puddle, it can cause severe damage to the engine.
  • Keep your insurance and its papers ready before the monsoon arrives.
  • Keep the car in 1st gear and the revs high. It keeps your car steady at low speeds and has a strong grip on the motion of the car.
  • Park your car on the higher grounds.
  • When you are going to park it, pull all the four windows closed. There shouldn’t be even the slightest gap as this can allow water to enter the cabin.
  • Cover your car properly, don’t keep the car cover loose.


It is necessary to know how to fix a water flooded engine. If water gets in your engine, it will quickly destroy itself, causing your car to stall or break down. So follow the steps and tricks to save your car from getting damaged.

Not everyone who drives a car is a mechanic, though that does not mean you can’t have an understanding of how to fix potential issues or recognize them as they occur. Flood, typhoons, and rain are the act of god, and mother nature can’t be blamed for them. But, one can completely be prepared to face the consequences.

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