Your Car Belt Squeals When I Turn On Ac? [Fixed]

A loose or worn air conditioning compressor belt is the most common cause of this symptom. When the air conditioner is turned on, the compressor kicks in. The engine and the drive belt that turns the compressor are put under strain as a result of this. The belt might slip on the compressor pulley and generate a loud screech if it is slack or worn.

Belt Squeals When I Turn On Ac

Belt squeals when I turn on ac, Have you ever heard unusual sounds? Do you know what’s wrong with your car’s air conditioner and how to fix it? When you turn on your air conditioner and hear squalling noises, it’s an indication that your compressor or belt is failing. A broken belt or a malfunctioning air conditioner compressor will not damage the engine’s overall performance, but it will prevent cold air from entering the cabin. Squealing noises are a nice bonus.

“You might have a cracked or broken AC belt, defective AC compressor clutch, or bad AC compressor pulley and bearings if your automobile AC starts screeching as soon as you turn it on.”

How To Get Rid Of Belt Squeals When I Turn On AC?

I know how unpleasant the screaming noises are. They can, however, be rectified. The following are the top three reasons why your car’s air conditioner is squealing:

1. AC Compressor Clutch Failure

Your air conditioner will not blow cold air and will create a screeching noise as it tries to engage if the compressor clutch is defective. The AC compressor clutch is a critical component of your vehicle’s air conditioning system.

compressor clutch failure

This component is responsible for pressurizing the whole air conditioning system as well as pushing the chilled air through the cooling system. Because of these two critical functions, the ac compressor clutch cycles on and off, eventually wearing down and breaking.

How To Repair Ac Compressor Clutch?

  • Remove the AC belt with a screwdriver. The compressor magnet coil has a connector that you will need to disconnect. There should be a 6mm socket in the middle of the AC clutch area that you will need to remove.
  • Disconnect and remove the clutch. Make sure you do not miss the spaces from the shaft as they close the clutch and you will need them later. On the shaft, you will see a snap-ring, remove it and remove it from the shaft.
  • Clean all parts you just removed. You can use WD40 to clean all parts. When you have finished cleaning, install a new pulley and replace the snap ring.
    Just insert one space into the shaft, and then insert the new clutch. Use a 6mm socket to fasten the bolt.
  • Measure the gap between the clutch and the pulley with a feeler gauge. If the permission is incorrect, you must add another space. The recommended gap is determined by the car manufacturer.
  • Check the ac compressor clutch. If all goes well, the ac compressor clutch should participate in this point. Turn on the ac and see if the clutch is involved.

2. AC Compressor Pulley And Bearing Replacement

The AC compressor pulley is connected to the drive belt and rotates at all times when the engine is running. A bad ac compressor pulley and bearing can make ringing noises while rotating. The AC compressor pulley rotates, but not the AC compressor shaft. The only time an AC compressor shaft rotates is when the AC unit is turned on.

ac compressor pulley and bearing

Every time the engine is turned on, the device may wear out over time and make a croaking noise. There are a number of reasons why ac compressor pulley and fertility fail prematurely leading to belt squeals when I turn on ac.

How To Repair AC Compressor Pulley And Bearing?

AC compressor pulley and bearing are essential for the air conditioning system. They rotate as the engine is turned on. When the user requests cold air by turning on the AC, the compressor pulley and bearing begin to rotate and the compressor clutch and cold air begin to flow. If you have a damaged ac compressor pulley and bearing, here is how you can replace it:

  • Get AC Compressor: In most cars, the compressor is located on the engine side of the passenger side. You can access it from the top or side by removing the passenger wheel.
  • Remove the AC strap and remove the compressor clutch: You will need a 6mm socket to remove the compressor clutch. If disconnected, remove it.
  • Rotating the compressor pulley: Try rotating the compressor pulley. If it does not turn on, the problem is the compressor pulley. If she turns around and makes a croaking noise or knocks, it may be a problem.
  • Remove the pulley from the compressor: You can use a hammer to remove the compressor pulley or double jaw pulley.
  • Replace compressor pulley (if necessary): If it is not just a damaged bearing, you will need to replace the entire compressor pulley and install a new one.
  • Change the bearing (if needed): The bearing is located inside the compressor pulley. If you have a bad situation, you can change it. To undress, you will need a socket and a hammer. When the bearing is out, replace it with a new one.
  • Insert the pulley into the coil: At this point, you do all the steps you have done, but with a step back.
  • Check the new pulley and bearing: When you have finished installing, check the new pulley and bearing around the pulley to see if you can hear the cracking sound.

3. AC Belt Breakage

The AC belt connects the clutch compressor clutch and the engine crankshaft which allows the AC compressor clutch to rotate every time you start your engine. A broken or worn AC band will emit noisy sounds when you turn on the AC.

AC Belt Breakage

There are two types of AC belts: V-Belt and Serpentine belts. The difference between the two is their shape. If you hear a squeaking sound as soon as you turn on your AC, your AC strap may be replaced.

How To Repair A Broken AC Belt?

If your AC makes a rough sound and comes out of the belt, it is best to change it on time. Screaming means that your AC belt is failing and is a matter of time before it breaks. Here’s how to replace a broken AC band:

  • The first thing you need to do is get an AC band: Most ac compressors are located in the engine area on the passenger side. The ac band is a band that is delivered over an ac compressor. 
  • Check your AC belt type: As I said before, an AC belt can be a v band or a snake belt. The difference is their size. The v band is small with only one rib. The snake belt has more than one rib.
  • Find the AC belt tensioner and loosen the bolt with a screw: The ac belt tensioner can loosen by rotating like a clock or opposite the clock depending on the car.
  • Remove the AC belt with your hands: Once you have released the ac belt tensioner, you should be able to remove the belt with your hands. Make sure the pulleys are clean and no rubber from the band is left on them.
  • Install a new belt and tighten the ac belt tensioner: Once you have installed the new ac belt on the pulleys, you can tighten the ac belt tensioner.
  • Check out the new ac belt: At this point, you should not hear the noisy noises from the AC.


A  belt is an important part of enjoying your driving. Enables air fan, power steering, alternator, and water pump in some models. The belt squeals when I turn on ac and starts to make a noise, it is best to be aware of and correct whatever is causing the problem.

car ac belt

I hope you have a better idea of ​​how to make a belt stop crying. Knowing what it does and what different sounds can mean is a good start to car care. A 5-minute diagnosis will also help.

Whether you choose to take care of it and repair it yourself or hire someone else to do it, you will know at least if it is done right.